Friday, June 25, 2010

Fix It Friday

iheartfaces fix-it-fridayThis week’s photo comes from Susan Keller's and happens to be her own teenage son….fitting since this week’s them for the challenge was teens!

Here is the original:4732169080_c6cf75d980_bAnd here are my fixes.  The first fix was just a general fix, but it let me practice my cloning skills.  I wanted to remove the box and the pole from the photo.  This was certainly a challenge due to the rainbow effect from the sun.  I could have just cropped it, but I didn’t want to lose the awesome flare and it me a chance to practice cloning a difficult area.

Fix 1I also added a CoffeeShop Sun Kissed Action and warmed it up a bit!  The cloning is a little off, but it was the best I got.

Fixes 2 and 3 are just additions…the first one is “Urban” from the CoffeeShop Action Vivid No Wait Action and the second one is the Creamy Chocolate Action [I wanted to try a black and white edit, but didn’t like it as a straight B&W…but the chocolate was nicer].

Fix 3 VNW UFix 2CC Make sure you check out some of the other edits over at iheartfaces.

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Buckeroomama said...

Great job on the cloning.

Chele said...

I love the first edit! Great job on all three!

Chele said...

I love the first edit! It is my fave!! Great job on all three!

Lynda said...

Your cloning is pretty good! I didn't attempt cloning out that box, just cropped it. The pole had to go though!

I think I like the sunkissed edit the best!

kelly lindsey said...

I like that last sepia/chocolate edit. It's really soft and hazy.. Nice job!!